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31 December 2011 company  is just to give a good service to their users and their accounts holder,well by doing it online we will do online transactions and send payments online and its a good and awshum service by because it will save the time of account holder and its just for those who have
Its a secured way to use your account online and it is too working and correct side for those who have accounts and i prefer to my visitors to be the member of this bank.its a site who help their member to support them alot and they will work for just their members and to make them satisfy.
well,for further detail you have to just click on above mentioned link and you will see their terms and uses.

20 Things I'm thankful for

Even though I'm pakistani and don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I like the idea of sharing what I'm grateful for this time of the year. I have too many blessings to count, but here are the top 20 things I'm thankful for.
Top 20 Things I'm thankful for: 
(in no particular order)

  1. The Boyfriend - How lucky am I to have met the love of my life. He is kind, generous, loving, my best friend, and the person I want to grow old with. I'm very thankful that he loves me just as much as I love him.
  2. My family - I'm truly thankful for my amazing, supportive family. There is so much love and laughter, and if I had to choose a family myself, I would definitely not have it any other way.
  3. My friends - Having friends from all over the world is a huge blessing. Even though I can't see all of them often, I carry them around in my thoughts and prayers every day.
  4. Excellent health - I can use all my senses, my legs, my arms and my brain. I'm very thankful for physical and mental health. And not just for myself, also for my friends and family.
  5. Traveling - I'm fortunate to be able to travel regularly and I couldn't imagine a life without being able to see the world.
  6. My job - I can honestly say that I love my job, and I'm so thankful to be able to walk into work everyday, getting to be creative and happy, and to feel proud of my work.
  7. Internet - I need to thank the World Wide Web for giving me so much. Not only can I stay in touch with friends and family around the world at the click of a button, I can also get any information I need in less than 10 seconds.
  8. Food - I'm thankful that I get to go to bed every night with a full belly, and that I never have to worry where my next meal will come from.
  9. Water - This is often taken for granted, and I'm thankful that I always have access to fresh water, and that I can swim in the ocean.
  10. Digital cameras - Thanks to digital cameras, I will be able to share so much of my life with my children and grandchildren one day. 
  11. The future - I appreciate the fact that I can dream about the future and that almost anything is possible. I'm thankful that I will be able to get married one day and be able to have my own children.
  12. Humor - In a world filled with hate, violence, war and crime, I'm thankful that humor still exists.
  13. Technology - It makes my life so easy and convenient. We have smart phones, that can basically do anything now except our laundry, internet, airplanes, iPods, TiVo and the list goes on.
  14. Taiwan - Taiwan has been very good to me. I'm thankful for always feeling safe and free and that I'm able to work here and have a good life. 
  15. My childhood - Whenever I see an elementary school student here in Taiwan, walking home after public school, additional English classes, violin class and science class at 8pm, I'm so thankful that I got to finish school at 2pm and got to play sports and with my friends for the rest of the afternoon, and then spend some quality time with my family in the evenings.
  16. Books - Reading is one of my favorite hobbies and I'm very grateful that I can visit the bookstore often and buy amazing books.
  17. My dogs - I'm very thankful that I grew up always having dogs in the house. Currently, my dogs are very old and living with my parents in South Africa. They still bring me lots of happiness though.
  18. My apartment - With all the crappy apartments in Taipei, I'm very grateful that The Boyfriend and I found an apartment that is perfect for us and that is our little sanctuary here in the city.
  19. Seasons - I love the fact that the seasons change every three months. I can't imagine living somewhere where the weather is always the same. 
  20. Music - Music is always there for me, no matter what mood I'm in.
I would love to hear what you are most thankful for.

New Years Resolutions 2012

Before you start moaning and groaning about New Year's resolutions and writing it off as stupid and something-I’m-not-gonna-stick-to-anyway-so-why-do-it, hear me out. Is it really such a bad thing to have goals for yourself? I must admit, I've almost never stuck with any of my resolutions before, and I think I know why.

I realized that my resolutions were either totally unreachable, I didn’t really want to do it, I didn’t know how to go about it, and most importantly, I wasn’t enjoying it or it didn’t make me happy. So this year, I’m doing things a little differently; I’m going to set easy, reachable and enjoyable goals and only do things that bring me happiness. The “theme” for my New Years resolutions for 2012 is: 

“Do what you love, and do it often.”

Now, that’s actually harder than it sounds. I need to figure out what I really love doing and what really makes ME happy, not what makes other people happy.

So, I’m going to do what I love, and I’ll do it more often:

  1. I love going on date nights with The Boyfriend
  2. I love burning candles in my house
  3. I love having lunch outside (open air restaurants or picnics)
  4. I love talking to my family on Skype.
  5. I love shopping and browsing.
  6. I love playing and cuddling with dogs
  7. I love watching my favorite TV shows
  8. I love traveling
  9. I love getting flowers for my house
  10. I love going out to restaurants with good friends
  11. I love reading
  12. I love buying gifts for loved ones
  13. I love going for walks in the city
  14. I love blogging
  15. I love taking photos
  16. I love being creative at work
  17. I love praying
  18. I love baking
  19. I love sending handwritten letters
  20. I love watching movies
Hopefully I managed to change your view on New Year’s resolutions. If not, well, you are lucky to be so freakin’ perfect! ;-) If so, please share your goals for 2012.


Bangladesh is asmall low lying country in the south asia on the bay of bengl . It came into being in 1971 following a bloody battle . It’s total area is 1 ,47 ,570 square kilometres. The bay of bengal is to the south of the country. The other three sides are surrounded by India except for a small strip in the southeast by Myanmar. Most of its land are plain with some hilly area in the northeast and southeast of the bangla
well,friends Bangladesh is our friendly country its really a nice place and to know more about Bangladesh you have to go on above link by clicking and you will get further details about Bangladesh.

30 December 2011

Best Buy Credit Card

Best Buy Credit Card company  is just to give a good service to their users and their accounts holder,well by doing it online we will do online transactions and send payments online and its a good and awshum service by Best  buy credit card service online because it will save the time of account holder and its just for those who have Best Buy Credits.
Best Buy Credit Card
Its a secured way to use your account online and it is too working and correct side for those who have accounts and i prefer to my visitors to be the member of this bank.
well,for further detail about best buy credit card online you have to just click on above mentioned link and you will see their terms and uses.

how to host a website

Our site is a resource to welcome you into the world of web hosting. Our articles and resources are for your education, allowing you to learn more about web hosting, what you should look for in web hosting and which web hosting companies you should consider for a reliable website hosting experience.
well,friends as i am telling you this is the working and full of experienced site and its help the beginner lot ,how to host a website ,so any body want a details so must go on the link i had given above and get further details about this site that how this will help you in web hosting.


Shell account online is just to give a good service to their users and their accounts holder,well by doing it online we will do online transactions and send payments online and its a good and awshum service by shell credit card because it will save the time of account holder and its just for those who have shell credit card accounts.shellcreditcard.accountonline
Its a secured way to use your account online and it is too working and correct side for those who have accounts and i prefer to my visitors to be the member of this bank.
well,for further detail about shell credit card online you have to just click on above mentioned link and you will see their terms and uses.

29 December 2011

soundproofing Atlanta

When thinking about drywall and soundproofing for a commercial or residential property, you want the job done right. You want a seamless job-- literally and figuratively-- from start to finish. Your end goal is to achieve an interior that looks fantastic and  free from exterior noises. That means using an installer with the experience and knowledge to do a proper installation that's made to last. Soundproofing Atlanta
well,friends so anybody want to know more about soundproofing so must click on above link  to get detailed information,friends this is working site and also helpful so please and must go their to take any type of help.

how much can I afford?

Hey,friends i am now telling you all about the car loans and the peoples who are disturb from their cars running or tuning .well i had just found right now a good and working website for you all my friends who just wanted to know that how much their cars finance and whats about their car loans....!!!how much can I afford?
The site i am intorducing you all is working from a long period and it will satisifed lot of peoples because they had calculate their bills ,loans or car finance how much they can afford about their cars.
well i am asking you all to go to my above mentioned link for further details and you will must calculate your car loans.


Aquariums are the show piece like home of fishes made by humans its have a too good and prettty look and its depend on people how costly they will bear.
fishes are of many types and they will look too cool n nice and also beautyful in aquariums and in homes and rooms for show piece and decoration its too nice and attracting decoration piece which is not artificial having alive fishes with a good atmosphere like seas.Aquariums
means in sea their are rocks ,plants,some stones and other lot.well,any body of my followers or my visitors want aquariums and need any type of help regards to fishes or their aquariums and their food so must go on above link which is mentioned and by one click you will go to that link and get more information about Fishes Aquarium.

28 December 2011

Christmas is coming and as we all know that this even is very important for us as we give gifts to each other and share our love well guys nowadays electronic gadgets are regarded as one of the best gift well let me give you some hint well if you want to know about different tabs, pads, i-phone prices so let me give you the best link where you can not only know about phones apps their prices but you can also participate in amazing contest well go for the link i am providing you it will be provided at the end of the post guys you will surely going to love the content !!!i am introducing this awshuma nd working site to my all readers so please must go their by lciking on below link and you will se the varities of things and you must buy or gift to others.
well its working and original site and you will must go their and find something interesting for your self so by clicking on  this link

27 December 2011

Locksmith Miami

The locksmith is really a very technical work and its not the work of everyone to do it properly we want the good and profesionaly trained peoples so if u want to unlock your car doors or want any type of help on lock smith so please click on this link Locksmith Miami
here is the good and too nice peoples who will help you and contribute with all time of day and night means they will give you a 24/7 service.
Its too near to Miami livers and they will get help by them so must in any type of need of locks smiths you will call them or contact with them its working site with good workers.

26 December 2011

Why People Should Rent Jumpers From Fantasy Jumperz in San Jose

When you think of fun you think of good friends and family. And when friends and family gather, you want all the fun you can have. That's who Fantasy Jumperz Because at Fantasy Jumperz we care about you and we know how to create fun!

Fantasy Jumperz is the premiere San Jose jumper rentals business around. We saw an opportunity, in a niche, which quite frankly needed some help. We pride ourselves in not only providing a diverse arrangement of jumpers but most importantly, for providing a great detail to customer service. Our pricing is very affordable and the quality of all our selection is second to none.