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31 December 2011

New Years Resolutions 2012

Before you start moaning and groaning about New Year's resolutions and writing it off as stupid and something-I’m-not-gonna-stick-to-anyway-so-why-do-it, hear me out. Is it really such a bad thing to have goals for yourself? I must admit, I've almost never stuck with any of my resolutions before, and I think I know why.

I realized that my resolutions were either totally unreachable, I didn’t really want to do it, I didn’t know how to go about it, and most importantly, I wasn’t enjoying it or it didn’t make me happy. So this year, I’m doing things a little differently; I’m going to set easy, reachable and enjoyable goals and only do things that bring me happiness. The “theme” for my New Years resolutions for 2012 is: 

“Do what you love, and do it often.”

Now, that’s actually harder than it sounds. I need to figure out what I really love doing and what really makes ME happy, not what makes other people happy.

So, I’m going to do what I love, and I’ll do it more often:

  1. I love going on date nights with The Boyfriend
  2. I love burning candles in my house
  3. I love having lunch outside (open air restaurants or picnics)
  4. I love talking to my family on Skype.
  5. I love shopping and browsing.
  6. I love playing and cuddling with dogs
  7. I love watching my favorite TV shows
  8. I love traveling
  9. I love getting flowers for my house
  10. I love going out to restaurants with good friends
  11. I love reading
  12. I love buying gifts for loved ones
  13. I love going for walks in the city
  14. I love blogging
  15. I love taking photos
  16. I love being creative at work
  17. I love praying
  18. I love baking
  19. I love sending handwritten letters
  20. I love watching movies
Hopefully I managed to change your view on New Year’s resolutions. If not, well, you are lucky to be so freakin’ perfect! ;-) If so, please share your goals for 2012.


  1. lets start new with my new gf ..hehe watching some movies . and praying 4 my good result ...hehe :)
    this is a good link

  2. Lol good good start it well,tell your friend about this linka dn they will also come here and made chat with you....!!! facebook i.d add me their and message me i will give you suggestion about yours problems
