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8 November 2011

U2R1 Media

Everyone asks “What does U2R1 mean?” but the question that you should be asking is, “How does U2R1 relate to me?” (more on this in a bit) This company was established in 2002 and like many things in life, people, businesses, society, it has been a constant evolution and continues to grow and transform.  Today U2R1 Media Inc. is an established Visual Experience Agency.
We do not label ourselves as a: web design company, a graphic design company, a branding company, a marketing company.  What we are is an experience. So yes we do graphic design and web design and branding and copy writing and marketing… GREAT! but what does that mean to you? As a start up? as an existing business?
Over the years we have found that the dog eats dog world is getting tighter and faster and more intense.  Everyone is online, everyone is demanding perfection and everyone is looking for that AWESOME factor.  Long gone are the days of “faking it to making it”, because the transparency that social media and the online revolution has demanded of companies cannot be ignored.
U2R1 Media understands that demand. We understand what it takes to create a proper business model, to establish yourself to your clients and communicate the perfect message that resonates with them on multiple levels.  We develop brand integrity. Through our Multi-Sensory approach, we design an experience that a business can be proud of and use to generate revenue, customer loyalty and a strong visual identity.
So how does U2R1 relate to you?  We work with committed clients who view their business as their baby and demand the best possible solution for their success.  They are looking for a company who can understand what their business needs in order to achieve true prosperity.  Your business and our business become one, through Strategy, Design and Execution. U2R1.
It’s the only way to achieve results, it’s the only way to establish an industry leader and it’s the only way to ensure that your journey to prosperity is on the path that is unwavering.
Just a small start up? Sign up to our True Prosperity program. We will act as your personal business development and growth consultants to help you put your foot on the right path towards achieving your dreams!
U2R1 Media works with small and large scale corporations, our tailor made solutions fit every company – big or small.
company branding

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