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10 November 2011

Review of Message on a Necklace

With a Message on a Necklace you can write your own personal love letter or a meaningful message for someone that you love or care about. The message is then printed on a tiny scroll and inserted into a glass vial pendant. The pendant is placed on an elegant silver necklace of your choice. This allows that special person to wear your heartfelt message as a symbol of your love. A larger copy of your message is beautifully presented through a display window on a keepsake necklace box.customised jewelleryImagine how exciting it would feel to give that special person in your life a gift that moves their heart and sweeps them off their feet... Think about how incredible it would feel to see their facial expressions come alive with excitement, as they receive your Message on a Necklace, a gift that truly comes from the heart.
Imagine how incredible it would be see that special person feeling so happy and loved and cared for, as they give you a big warm hug to say 'thank you'. Think about the intense sense of joy and accomplishment that comes from 'giving' to a person that you care about very deeply.
A Message on a Necklace allows you to tailor your message to suit the needs, wants and desires of the recipient. Your message allows you to make the recipient feel like the gift was designed just for them.

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